

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Getting Started
  3. Axis Labels (chxl)
  4. Legend Text and Style (chdl)


The sector delta chart is a standard Morningstar chart. It is used to show the concentration of a security in a particular investment sector.

The chart type code for the sector delta chart is sd.

Getting Started

Description Image

Because of the sector delta methodology, to draw sector delta you must provide the values for the benchmark as well as the investment. The first data set is the investment, the second data set is the benchmark. Each data set is specified as Manufacturing, Service, Information. The values in each data set will be reweighted to sum to 100%.

As with all charts, you can specify data using different data encodings. See data encodings for more information.
As with all charts, the chart size is controllable using the chs parameter. The font size of this example has also been adjusted.
As with all charts, you can generate other image types using the chof parameter.
chof=s (SVG)

Axis Labels (chxl)

You can control the labels used to identify the sector delta sections using the chxl option.


The label for the top section (typically Service).
The label for the bottom-right section (typically Information).
The label for the bottom-left section (typically Manufacturing).


The order of the axis labels is different than the order of the data points in a data set.


Description Image
Change the labels of the sector delta to Orange, Blue, and Green to match the colors of the sector delta.
Show labels in Chinese, Thai, and Arabic.

Legend Text and Style (chdl)

The legend is a side section of the chart that gives a small text description of each series. You can specify the text associated with each series in this legend.


The text to show in the legend for the investment.
The text to show in the legend for the benchmark.


Description Image
Change the legend labels to be the name of specific securities.
chdl=FMAGX|S%26P 500
Change legend labels to Chinese and Arabic.